Under Construction_ Alternative high School
6 Years
This class website was created to support the learner's accelerated time-frame of the 60 Day Course offered the Alternative High School. The format will also introduce and enhance the learner's 21st Technology Skills as Digital Citizens in today's global society. This course format supports students in having the ability to earn 15 high school credits every 60 days for a total of 45 credits during a academic school year. Each class period is a daily 2-hour 60-day elective course based on the 9.1 Personal Financial Literacy course is based on the NJ Word Class Standards of the 21st-Century Life and Careers Content Areas and a required elective for attaining a High School Diploma.
Overview of Personal FinanceCourse Introduction-
Class Syllabus- Application & Transcript Review Class Calendar- Google Assignment Class Accounts- Join Khanacdemy.org & Remind.org 1st Week Assignments - Vocabulary Check - Open Response_PARCC Practice - When I Grow Up Essay |
Classroom 101
District & Class Grading GuidelinesUnderstanding your GradesExtra Credit & Late Work Policy
Class Application_ 1st Day Assignment
This is class intro assessment of the student knowledge of of their High School career planning knowledge…
When I Grow Up_ Essay
Write a two paragraph essay with a minimum of 8 sentences.
(Regular 8"x11 paper should be used)